Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Story Behind the Name

Welcome to my blog!! Seeing as I love to write and I want to keep in touch with many of you, I thought that I should start one :). For those of you who are wondering why I chose the title that I is the story.
In the summer of 2007, a couple of my close friends and I were up in the high school room at Grace. While we were spending time praying, one of my friends turned to me and said that she had this picture of me in two places. The first was a cave and inside the cave a gentle rain was falling. I was there inside this place of shelter and it was very refreshing. Outside the cave or shelter, she saw another place, a dry and scorched land where the overwhelming feeling was of despair and of giving up. It is a place where I come to the conclusion of "oh well" in ministry and relationships. But she also saw a bridge between these two places and the bridge represented trust and invitation. After describing this to me, she shared that she believed that Jesus wants me to take others into the shelter with me, to explore the tunnels in this cave. I wrote in my journal, "Janie, it is time to let them in. There is to be no more hiding in the cave and living in the desert. I want you to abide in the shelter of My presence always, let My Spirit refresh you and go deeper with Jesus. Bring others with you." 
And this is what I desire to do. Recently God has again been speaking to me of coming out of hiding and "proclaiming from the housetops" so to speak what He has and is whispering in my ear. I want you to be able to join me as I go deeper into the cave. He is my Shelter and Rain...and this is the name that describes who I am in Him.
Psalm 91:1