I want to Love in such a way that the powers of darkness are reminded that they have been disarmed.
I want Love to come and breathe through me so the spirits of the dead come alive.
I want to love till the passion of heaven, the warmth and fire of His mercy and justice come and embrace the most hurting and broken.
I want the love that I carry to be so strong that by a very glance or touch, healing and deliverance come.
I want to see a generation taking hold of their inheritance as sons and daughters of heaven rising up from the darkness and causing the heads of nations to turn and know that there is a Saving God
I want to see people touched with Jesus' tenderness and heart of unabashed justice that pursues till the end. This is not just a love you hear about in church and forget about the moment you step outside the doors of comfort into the real world. I am talking about a radical encounter with the heart of the Father. With a love that touches ones core. I am talking about a love that is real and simple and beautiful. I am talking about love that you don't have to strive or perform well for. I am talking about the kind of love that embraces. I see this love at work when I walk into the bars. I see those girls dancing and men staring and I see their beautiful faces and their pain and the work they have accepted as necessary and from within me rises up a rushing emotion of passionate love, a river that pushes it's way to the windows of my soul. I am talking about the kind of love that goes out and has dinner with a woman who the moment you say goodbye to is going back to the street to look for a customer. And then she comes and finds you the very next morning because even tho she can't fully embrace the fullness of love and transformation Jesus offers, she can't stay away. I am talking about little children who are being used on the streets to sell gum for the profit of someone else smiling and laughing because someone cared enough to stop and wrap their arms around them and whisper acceptance into their ear.
I want to encounter this Love.
To wake up in the morning in it's arms. To face suffering, conflict and persecution sustained by His presence. I have to have Jesus' presence! Oh God...let me embrace the time to wait on You. To give You the place in my life You deserve. When all is over and passes away I want to be found in love with the Greatest Lover the world has ever known.
I want to see Love come.
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