I have prayed often for the Karen people through the Intercessors Network over the past year so this was very special to me to know that you were visiting and now to see pictures. Bless you Janie!
Shelter and Rain is an invitation to embrace a life of freedom and wholeness. We are dedicated to seeing individuals set free from sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Through our travels in Haiti, Mexico, Africa, Thailand, and Cambodia, our eyes were opened to how blatant human trafficking is. We invite you to join us as we seek to live lives of justice and love in the US. You will find our personal musings as well as a call to respond to this great need. We believe everyone deserves to live free from exploitation and fear.
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." - Jesus Christ (John 10:10.)
Choose campus "Southwest Tithes & Offerings", select donation amount, specify "Human Trafficking Ministry", check the box below to make a recurring gift each month, enter payment info, click "Donate".
I have prayed often for the Karen people through the Intercessors Network over the past year so this was very special to me to know that you were visiting and now to see pictures. Bless you Janie!