Do you ever think about what drives you? What is it that stirs you and motivates you to action? When I was young I remember sitting in the pews at church and watching slide shows of little children with bloated bellies, pleading eyes and only a few scraps of cloth to cover their scarred bodies. Time after time my heart would be pulled to be involved, to love the ones that others had given up on and despised. Not until God opened the door for me to go to Africa last November and Him basically pushing me through it, did I realize how much I had even given up on the longings and dreams inside me. The dream to love the unlovely and touch the untouchable. During the 10 hour bumpy buss ride from Nairobi to Kitale, Kenya, my friend shared with me about a ministry in Bangkok, Thailand which has a passion to reach out to the prostituted women who live in the red light districts. Thailand is a transit, destination and source country for prostitution in the world. There are many "push" factors that force women and girls to enter a life of sexual slavery and servitude. Particularly in Thailand, the girls are expected to be the main bread earners for the family while the boys serve as Buddhist monks to secure their families spiritual blessing. The women that NightLight meets in the bars two nights a week are between the ages of 17 to 50. By building relationship with these girls, they discover that they don't have to be involved in this industry. NightLight currently offers 85 women employment in their jewelry making business, NightLight Design Company, Ltd. These woman are offered the opportunity to receive inner healing and explore areas that once have held shame for them such as dance and beauty. Hearing about this ministry, something inside of me was stirred. There is a verse that I read recently in the book of Lamentations. It is speaking about Israel who is like a prostitute. This is what God says, "The enemy has plundered her completely, taken away every precious thing she owns. She has seen foreigners violate her sacred Temple, the place the LORD had forbidden them to enter." On an average, 7 out of 10 tourist men who come to Bangkok, come there for the sex industry. God's heart is breaking for these women who have been violated. If you read the book of Lamentation through the eyes of a broken and battered woman you will have see the heart the Father has for those who are caught in prostitution today. In chapter 3 verses 55-57 she, the prostitute cries out, "But I called on Your name, LORD, from deep within the pit. You heard me when I cried, 'Listen to my pleading! Hear my cry for help!' Yes, You came when I called. You told me, 'Do not fear.'" I wonder how many hear the cries of these 2 million prostitutes in Thailand or the 27 million people enslaved around the world who long for freedom but don't know that it really exists. Coupled with illegal arms, prostitution/human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. God's heart of mercy and justice is beating. It is beating through the hearts of passionate men and women who are willing to take a risk and go into the dark places around the world and recover these treasures hidden in darkness. So many see them as used goods. God sees treasures. There is a cost for seeing and hearing. Many just want to close their eyes. But then they miss seeing the eyes of Jesus. For it is in the most broken that His love often is revealed. The power of His love is enough. So let His love throb in your heart. Let it move you to action. Let His love so fill your spirit that you are moved to action, to touch the untouchable and most broken. Some are called to go, we are all called to love. Don't just sit in the pew and watch the slide show. Get on your face and let the love of God move you and drive you to action.For more information check out this website: