Sunday, March 20, 2011

Party in the Park!!--February 5th, 2011

Never have I experienced anything like this before! In an area surrounded by idol worship, comes an opportunity to love the most broken. This part of Bangkok known for its cheap services, poverty and homelessness is one of Jesus’ most favorite places. How do I know that? Well, because He showed up to our party. It all started when some people who wanted to see Jesus touch Thailand, had an idea to have a block party. The week the party was to take place, the missionaries who were coordinating this event were put in touch with a “grandfather” of the community, a man who was like a party guru, all kinds of parties and events in this part of the town were hosted by him. Soon, after they spoke with him, he had changed the location, taken care of food and even said that he was going to print out 200 of his own flyers and hand them out! To me, this sounded like something similar to the story of  Zaccheaus or a tax collector or one of the many people that Jesus chose to hang out with while he was on earth. Our team, most of whom were from Iris Ministries, planned games, a skit, and brought supplies to have a dream interpretation, healing, prophesy and picture booth. As it turns out, these booths actually were not really booths but just people sitting out on prayer mats. These mats would easily be found in one of the temples. make sense. After just sitting there with him, and speaking love into his life, he let us pray for him.

Meanwhile, as we were talking with him, there was a lot of activity going on on the prayer mats. The Iris Ministries team, Thai Christians were praying for people and people were getting healed!!! I’m talking about, the deaf hearing, cronic pain leaving, knees being restored!! Yup…pretty amazing! One of my friends gave testimony that one of the deaf people they had been praying for said that he could feel this warmth like fire rising from his stomach to his head, to his ears and then they popped! Nothing is impossible with God, not yesterday, today or in the future! I just received word that everyone who received prayer is still testifying to their healing! That night when I got home and was going to sleep, I suddenly was like, “What a minute, what the heck happened today?!” My faith was built as I saw Jesus answer as His children stepped out to love. It really is simple. Jesus said…
“Truly, truly I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.” John 14:12-14

Now Iven and Kashmira who are missionaries there have started a cell group on Monday nights to welcome anyone who wants to come. Their mission is to love, to love the most broken. That is Jesus heart. And I am inspired to have the same.